Summer of Innovation '19

Crispy AI


Lets Team up and build an intelligent bot which can turn our classroom experience into a Hollywood blockbuster.

Mentors :

Motivation (in a class) :
  • If you write notes, you miss the explanation. If you only listen, you miss the notes
  • On an average, a human can only concentrate for x minutes where x is their age but missing even 2 minutes of a lecture can,sometimes, alienate you from the rest of it
  • Many times, the professor is not audible or is too interesting to listen to.

Features :
  • Live subtitles in a class
  • Capture keywords and prepare concise notes for each lecture
  • Does it all seem greek to you? - lets have subtitiles in a different language
  • Tell a joke or inspire with a quote during class

Planned Schedule :

  • Week 0 : [May 1 - May 6]
    * Get Familiar with HTML/CSS/Django basics
    => Learn HTML from scratch
    => Learn CSS
    => Video Series to Master Django

  • Week 1 : [May 6 - May 13] Set up a basic django server for Crispy

  • Week 2-4 : [May 13 - May 27 ] UX Design

  • Week 5 : [May 27 - June 3] Exploring Speech-to-Text APIs/Neural Nets

  • Week 6 : [June 3 - June 10] Integrating speech-to-text with Django

  • Week 7-8 : [June 10 - June 24] Adding Features

  • Week 8-12 : Top Secret!


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More detailed documentation