Summer of Innovation '19



Build an API to get quotes and ship it as a pip package.

Mentors :

Motivation :
  • Some people might want to use quotes in their code. Even I wanted to do so, but couldn't find a decent pip package.
  • The idea is to build a api in python and make a pip package which should be very interesting.
  • You will get to learn web scrapping.

Features :
  • API to get quotes from different categories e.g. motivational, inspirational.
  • API to get quotes from a particular person e.g. Albert Einstein.

Planned Schedule :
Phase 1: Build a web scrapper using beautiful soup library to get the quotes. The website we will use is BrainyQuote.
Phase 2: Build a pip package out of it.
Phase 3: (Just an idea) Build a twitter bot which will use this and tweet quotes everyday.


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