Frequently Asked Questions


Where does SoI occur?

For the software part, SoI occurs entirely online; there is no requirement to travel as part of the program. Even for the hardware part, the team can work anywhere. However, the team has to submit the final model/prototype in IIT Dharwad.

What can I do to help spread the word about SoI?

You can download flyers to post around your campus. You can also share it on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media.

Can I participate in SoI as both a mentor and a student?

No. We want to make sure that each project and student receives sufficient attention, and we feel this could create a bad experience for those involved. Please choose whether participation as a mentor or a student is more appealing to you and plan to apply accordingly.

What if I have more questions?

If after reading through all the documentation you still don't have an answer please consider reaching out to the OSS community via Gitter channel.

Are all PRs going to be counted for selecting top contributors?

For selecting top contributors, only one GOODFIRSTISSUE would be counted and others should not be labeled as GOODFIRSTISSUE.


What if I don't know Git?

You just need to know git add, git commit and git push for the basics. Also, you can learn a lot (interactively) from this website.

What programming language(s) should I know to participate in SoI?

The programming language you need to know depends on the project you are working in.

Can I contribute to more than one project?

Yes, you can contribute to more than one project. But we recommend that you work on one project.

Will my PR count if I do it in other repos not there in the SoI?

No, only those PRs will be counted which are associated with SoI repos but if the other repo is being used in SoI, then it will be counted.

How to submit a PR?

A PR should reference an issue opened previously. The issue can be opened by anyone including you. Some project requires a special format for submitting the PR which can be found on their respective repo.

Will all the PRs that would be opened be counted for selecting top contributors?

No, only those PRs who will be merged will be counted for selecting top contributors. Whether the PR will be merged or not depends on the mentor. You could request a mentor to review your PR.


How can I apply for mentor?

Fill this form to apply as a mentor. If you get selected for mentor, you will receive a confirmation mail before May 6, 2019.

What is the last date to apply as a mentor?

The last date to apply as mentor is May 5, 2019.

How much minimum time is required to devote for SoI ‘19?

Mentors need to contribute for at least 40 hours in a week. They need to do their best to ensure interested contributors have a great learning experience and that the project is completed in time.